

34 名前: MI6-1 1999/08/10(火) 08:11
The whole world should be aware of these individuals and their capabilities. British citizens need to know that these people are supported by those ruling this country. This "Al Capone" style organisation has removed the human rights of ordinary people` not only in this country but worldwide.


Dudley Charles Ankerson: 78 Buenos Aires` 85 Mexico` 93 Madrid; dob 1948; Dr.

Raymond Benedict Barthol Asquith: 83 Moscow` 92 Kiev; dob 1952;

Kerry Charles Bagshaw: 82 Geneva` 88 Moscow; dob 1943; OBE.

Ian Clive Barnard: 94 Geneva; dob 1965.

Richard Martin Donne Barrett: 83 Ankara` 88 New York` 97 Amman; dob 1949.

James Lloyd Baxendale: 94 Cairo (MECAS)` 97 Amman; dob 1967.

Jonathan Beales.

Peter John William Black: 74 MECAS` 77 Kuwait` 80 Amman` 87 Dhaka; dob 1946.

Jamie Blount.
